Protect Your Family's Health :

Get Accurate and Reliable Post-COVID-19 Infection and/or Vaccination Testing Today

Discover the compelling science behind how COVID-19 vaccinations or infection could potentially alter genetic information in unborn children, leading to complications. Dive into our eye-opening video below for a deeper understanding.

Protect Your Family's Health :

Get Accurate and Reliable Post-Covid-19 Vaccination Testing Today

Discover the compelling science behind how vaccinations could potentially transfer mRNA to unborn children, leading to complications. Dive into our eye-opening video below for a deeper understanding.

About this Initiative

Environmental factors significantly impact fetal development, with research linking them to pregnancy outcomes like preterm birth, stillbirth, and fetal growth issues. Alterations in the maternal environment, even minor factors like fever or infections, can lead to birth defects.

Some vaccines, such as HPV-4 and Tdap, administered during pregnancy, may increase the risk of low birth weight, preterm birth, and birth defects.

Knowing this, it’s not surprising that COVID-19 vaccination and infection during pregnancy are associated with negative effects on both the baby and newborn, including inflammation in the placenta, premature birth, stillbirth, and smaller-than-expected babies.

Genetic factors often play a role in these adverse outcomes, but environmental factors like COVID-19 exposure also influence fetal development.

Whole-genome sequencing is essential to determine the genetic and epigenetic factors contributing to these outcomes, especially in immune system-related areas that may be linked to attention issues, hyperactivity, and autism spectrum disorders in premature babies born to mothers with COVID-19 exposure.

That's why the Mother Child Pairings Initiative has partnered with a leading nationwide clinical laboratory group to provide a thorough and reliable test assessing the potential role of COVID-19 vaccinations and infection in negative pregnancy outcomes, focusing on the presence of random DNA insertions.

As a participant, you will receive a complimentary, easy-to-use buccal swab kit to collect DNA samples from yourself and your child. Buccal swabs are safe and require only a gentle wipe of the cheek or mouth. Rest assured, all information and samples will be handled with strict confidentiality and in compliance with HIPAA guidelines. Your results will not be shared with any medical provider.

Your voluntary participation in this study comes with no financial incentives or obligations. If any insertional events (evidence of foreign DNA incorporated into the genome) are detected, a certified genetic counselor will share this information with you and provide guidance on the next steps.

All published results will be aggregated, anonymized data and will not be added to medical records. Based on the outcomes, you may be approached for participation in future studies.

By participating in this groundbreaking study, you are helping us gain a deeper understanding of the potential long-term effects of COVID-19 on pregnancy outcomes and children's well-being. Together, we can work towards ensuring the safety and health of future generations.

Join us in this important endeavor by participating in the COVID-19 Pregnancy Impact Study today.